Category: Uncategorized
Space Weather Modeling Framework Users Present Advancements in Science Technology
The University of Michigan Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering will host scientists, developers, and scholars from around the world during the Space Weather Modeling Framework User Meeting on March 2-3, 2023.
American Meteorological Society Features Work by U-M Climate & Space
Faculty, students and researchers from the U-M Department of Climate and Space made an impact at the 103rd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting.
Alumna Aisha Bowe Goes to Space
Aisha Bowe will make history when she boards an upcoming Blue Origin flight that will cross the Kármán line – the internationally recognized boundary between Earth’s atmosphere and outer space. She will be the first female U-M alum and sixth Black woman to do so.
The Washtenaw Voice
Our researchers, leaders and educators are making headlines with their innovative work.
Space Physics Q&A: An Interview with Senior Engineer in Research Samantha Vaughn
Samantha Vaughn works as Senior Engineer in Research at the Space Physics Research Laboratory (SPRL) and XTRM Labs. In this Q&A, she shares some of her technical work at SPRL.
Synowiec and Holbrook Receive Outstanding Staff Awards
In June, the U-M Department of Climate and Space held its annual Decadal and Staff Appreciation Day to celebrate the contributions of the staff.
New Method of Detecting Plastics in the Ocean from Satellites in Space Wins Award
Professor Chris Ruf and Madeline Evans won a 2022 Ocean Award for their work detecting microplastics in the ocean using CYGNSS.
Alumna Featured in Smithsonian Exhibit Celebrating Women in STEM
Alumna Dr. Kelly Korreck was featured in #IFTHENSHECAN, an exhibit honoring 125 women in STEM at The Smithsonian.
Thank You for Your Support!
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever does.” Margaret Mead, Anthropologist
Prof. Penner to deliver prestigious Bjerknes Lecture at AGU Fall Meeting
The lecture, happening this Tuesday, is presented by a scientist who has made a major scientific impact in advancing the basic understanding of the atmosphere and Earth’s climate.
Prof. Rood interviewed on climate change costs
“We’re not at a new normal…We’re just at the beginning of a time of really quite rapid climate change.”
Space Physics Research Laboratory to build “main electronics box” for DAVINCI mission instrument
SPRL will provide components for the Venus Mass Spectrometer (VMS)