CLASP Undergraduate Student Research Opportunities
Welcome! This is where you’ll find opportunities to work with Climate & Space faculty on research initiatives.
Gaining practical, hands-on engineering experience before graduation is an essential aspect of a Michigan Engineering undergraduate education. Whether you plan to continue your education toward a master’s or doctoral degree, or pursue a career, this experience will help you stand out.
Below you will find the current research opportunities offered. Each listing includes details about the faculty member’s research, position responsibilities, and contact information. Positions posted until filled.
current research opportunities

Prof. Chris Ruf
Research Areas:
– Earth and Planetary Remote Sensing
– Principal Investigator, NASA Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System Earth Venture Mission
– Remote Sensing Group
More about Prof. Ruf
Drone Pilot and Aerial Photography Analyst Needed for Satellite Hydrology Project
The NASA CYGNSS mission will be making river overpass observations to support science investigations into streamflow rate determination and flood prediction. Ground-based field campaigns will be conducted during the satellite overpasses to provide high resolution land/water masks using drone aerial photography. Positions are available for one or two CLaSP undergraduates to support this effort: piloting the drone, taking the aerial photographs, converting them into calibrated land/water masks, and working with the science team to integrate the masks into satellite data interpretation models. The positions could be a for-credit independent study course or as paid hourly employment. The project is expected to begin in Fall 2021 and continue at least through calendar year 2022. For more information and if you are interested in getting involved, please contact Prof. Chris Ruf, [email protected].

Assoc. Prof. Eric Kort
Research Areas:
– Ground-based, Airborne, and Space-based observations of atmospheric trace gases
– High-resolution regional & inverse modeling
– Greenhouse gases & pollutants
– Atmosphere-biosphere & atmosphere-ocean interactions
More about Assoc. Prof. Kort.
Aerial Photography Analyst Needed for Atmospheric Methane Project
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ante lacus, vestibulum a lorem quis, elementum vehicula est. Proin finibus quam in elit vehicula tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum eget diam ex. Phasellus id pharetra eros. Maecenas id urna a sem euismod faucibus quis efficitur neque. Donec eget ex nec metus lobortis congue. Integer id enim ipsum. Etiam sed laoreet sapien. Integer id mi auctor, pretium velit vel, gravida risus. For more information and if you are interested in getting involved, please contact Prof. Eric Kort, [email protected].
Instrument Specialist Needed for Remote Sensing Project
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ante lacus, vestibulum a lorem quis, elementum vehicula est. Proin finibus quam in elit vehicula tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum eget diam ex. Phasellus id pharetra eros. Maecenas id urna a sem euismod faucibus quis efficitur neque. Donec eget ex nec metus lobortis congue. Integer id enim ipsum. Etiam sed laoreet sapien. Integer id mi auctor, pretium velit vel, gravida risus. For more information and if you are interested in getting involved, please contact Prof. Eric Kort, [email protected]
Past research opportunities

Prof. Chris Ruf
Research Areas:
– Earth and Planetary Remote Sensing
– Principal Investigator, NASA Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System Earth Venture Mission
– Remote Sensing Group
More about Prof. Ruf
Instrument Specialist Needed for Remote Sensing Project
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ante lacus, vestibulum a lorem quis, elementum vehicula est. Proin finibus quam in elit vehicula tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum eget diam ex. Phasellus id pharetra eros. Maecenas id urna a sem euismod faucibus quis efficitur neque. Donec eget ex nec metus lobortis congue. Integer id enim ipsum. Etiam sed laoreet sapien. Integer id mi auctor, pretium velit vel, gravida risus. For more information and if you are interested in getting involved, please contact Prof. Eric Kort, [email protected]
Instrument Specialist Needed for Remote Sensing Project
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ante lacus, vestibulum a lorem quis, elementum vehicula est. Proin finibus quam in elit vehicula tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum eget diam ex. Phasellus id pharetra eros. Maecenas id urna a sem euismod faucibus quis efficitur neque. Donec eget ex nec metus lobortis congue. Integer id enim ipsum. Etiam sed laoreet sapien. Integer id mi auctor, pretium velit vel, gravida risus. For more information and if you are interested in getting involved, please contact Prof. Eric Kort, [email protected]