CSRB Building Safety
CSRB Primary Contacts
Tuija Pulkkinen: [email protected], 734-780-4079 Kevin O’Neill: [email protected], 734-763-7305 Marti Moon: [email protected], 734-255-0074 Josh Synowiec: [email protected], 734-716-9042 CSRB Safety Committee: [email protected] |
Fire Safety
- Floor marshals in orange vests will provide instructions.
- Exit the building immediately when alarms are triggered.
- Gather along the sidewalk on the west side of the building.

Tornado Safety
- Floor marshals in orange vests will provide instructions.
- Proceed to the one of the nearest basement floors. Stairs to enter the basements are located in the x400 & x500 wings of the building.



CSRB Lab Safety Procedures
Before working in any CLaSP lab, all faculty, staff and students must complete the General Laboratory Safety Training (Faculty Course EHS_BLS025w; Student Course BLS042w) available through My LINC (maislinc.umich.edu). The certificate at the end of the course needs to be printed and filed in the Blue Binder (lab safety binder) training section found in each laboratory.
NOTE: Students doing work in a research lab that is not related to class work are required to take the EHS_BLS025w course.
For any activity that may pose a possible hazard or safety risk, a standard operating procedure for that particular procedure needs to be written up and that training needs to be given to everyone that plans to take part in the lab.
A signature of acknowledgement is required on Standard Operating Procedures documents (SOPs). U-M Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) has a list of SOPs that can be modified to be more specific to your laboratory operation.
- All chemicals brought into a lab MUST be on the chemical inventory for that lab.
- Chemical inventory is now handled through the MI Safety Portal page.
- A safety data sheet MUST be included in the Blue Binder for all chemicals.
- All containers containing a compound of chemicals, or chemicals that have been moved from the original container MUST be labeled appropriately.
- Food or drinks are NOT allowed in the labs.
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be worn when in a lab (safety glasses, gloves, lab coat). No sandals or shorts when working with chemicals or machinery.
- All incidents or near misses must be reported immediately to the Safety Committee ([email protected]). EHS will review the incident, and advise on how to avoid or minimize the risk in the future.
- All equipment not in use must be powered off and unplugged. Damaged equipment must be reported to the lab manager immediately for repair or replacement.
- Collect and label all chemical waste in a designated area. Waste needs to be disposed of via EHS Hazmat within 60 days of first accumulation date.
- Allow enough time at the end of each working day to clean up work areas so that clutter does not accumulate posing a fire or tripping hazard.
CSRB Rooftop Safety Procedures
The Climate and Space Research Building has a unique laboratory environment: its roof. However, the roof is much more than a lab. It is a structure that protects the interior of the building from the environment, and as such, it is primarily the domain of the Plant Department.
As a multi-use, open space, personnel that use the roof must understand the unique hazards present on the roof, and be made aware of the proper use of the space, both as infrastructure and as a laboratory. The presentation outlines those hazards and the methods by which the CSRB Safety Committee is made aware of your intended use of the roof. The CSRB Safety Committee has a central role in coordinating the use of the roof as a laboratory, and must be kept informed of your intentions for the roof so that it does not interfere with, nor be interfered by, other roof uses.
By passing the quiz that follows [with a score of 100%], you will demonstrate your knowledge of these issues. You may take the quiz as many times as you like. With a passing score, you have access to the Roof Work Safety Procedures form. By electronically signing the Roof Work Safety Procedures form, you agree to abide by the procedures and regulations in the course of your CSRB roof use.
With these in place, the CSRB Safety Committee will evaluate your application to use the roof, or allow you to join an ongoing rooftop activity. To submit a rooftop activities application form for new research, follow this link.
CSRB Lab and Resource Contacts
- CSRB Facilities: Marti Moon ([email protected])
- CLaSP Lab Manager: Josh Synowiec ([email protected])
- CSRB Bldg Safety Committee: [email protected]
- UM/EHS lab safety rep: Will Dawson ([email protected])
- EHS bio-safety rep: Sheya Martin ([email protected])
- EHS Haz Mat (supplies and chemical waste pick-up): Website / Phone: (734)763-4568
CSRB Safety Committee
- Marti Moon (CSRB 2510)
- Kevin O’Neill (CSRB 1521C)
- Nilton Renno (CSRB 1531C)
- Roger De Roo (CSRB 2543D)
- Josh Synowiec (CSRB 1115)
- Will Dawson (1239 Kipke Drive)