The Master of Engineering Degree in Climate Impacts & Solutions

Graphic with photo of Great Lakes shoreline that reads Explore our MEng in Climate Impacts and Solutions: Analyze climate impacts, design meaningful solutions

The Newly Revamped Master’s of Engineering degree is effective in Fall 2025! Read More.

Contact our Student Services Office for more information about the program: [email protected].

Scientists talk about the usefulness of their data while practitioners talk about the usability of data. The Climate Impacts and Solutions MEng at University of Michigan Climate and Space is the bridge between the two. As a student you are the translator and, with a foundation in science and engineering Explore a degree path that opens up jobs in public policy, urban planning, public health, water management, and engineering. The ability to translate useful information into usable knowledge is the goal of this degree. 

The degree is built upon developing skills and knowledge in:

  • Climate Expertise: Scientific foundation in climate science
  • Data Retrieval: Where to get data and information
  • Data Interpretation: How to place data and information in context of applications
  • Data Analysis: Statistics and visualization of information
  • Geographical Information Systems
  • Problem Solving Skills: Scenario planning

The program culminates with a sponsor-defined “hands-on” project that will expose patterns of problem solving and will allow you to structure end-to-end systems that link data, information, knowledge, planning, decisions, and actions. These are skills that students will find they can use in multi-disciplinary professions.

Interested in more information? Contact our Student Services Office for details about the program: [email protected].

Program Overview

The MEng in Climate Impacts & Solution degree program consists of two academic semesters (see Undergraduate and SUGS sections).

The degree is a 26-credit hour program with the following components:
Departmental Core Courses (10 credits including Program Practicum Projects)
Skill Based Elective Courses (9 credits)
Elective Courses (7 credits)

Most of the Departmental Core Courses are taught in the Climate and Space Research Building. Other courses are spread out around campus. Course descriptions can be found at the Registrar’s Schedule of Classes. For term information, see Academic Year on the Registrar’s website.

Required Courses

Courses required of Climate Impacts & Solutions Program students fall into three categories:

  • Departmental Core Courses (10 credits):  Required of all Climate Impacts & Solutions MEng graduate students.
  • Skill based Elective Courses (9 credits): Required of all Climate & Space MEng Climate Impacts & Solutions graduate students. These courses are broken down into three types of skill based courses: Geospatial, Statistics, and Climate focused courses. 
  • Elective Courses: A combination of Climate and Space and other related courses, that bolster the MEng Climate Impacts & Solutions  degree and support a student’s area of interest. Must be 400 level or higher and to be determined with the Program Director.

Departmental Core Courses (10 Credit Hours)

The three core courses required of the MEng Climate Impacts & Solutions students cover aspects of applied research and engineering that are considered fundamental and necessary parts of our educational program. These courses are listed below.

  • CLIMATE 591 Climate Practicum I (4 credits)
  • CLIMATE 592 Climate Practicum II (4 credits)
  • CLIMATE 530 Climate Change in Planning and Design (preferred) (2 credits)
    CLIMATE 480 Climate Change: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Problem Solving (3 credits)

Courses in the program cover aspects of physical phenomena, including change in regional climate, air pollution, extreme weather events, as well as methods, including downscaling, integrated assessment and modeling, sustainable environmental systems, and environmental monitoring. The coursework also involves a year-long Program Practicum Project that involves two sequential courses. The first of these courses provides an introduction to scientific and engineering approaches in data mining and data management involving climate change and environmental systems. Through these two courses, students will also pursue a hands-on project that focuses on applied research in the production and management of climate data, risk analysis, uncertainties assessment, formulation of adaptive climate strategies, and a systems approach to conceiving, designing, managing, and operating complex observational and modeling systems. 

Skill based  Elective Courses (9 Credit Hours)

Students select from an approved list of applied science and engineering-specific courses. These courses are intended to permit students to pursue advanced, graduate level studies in a wide variety of specialized topics that still maintain a focus on aspects of climate science, while also allowing them to tailor the program to their interests. Check with the Academic Advisor/Program Director to determine if this course can be used as a Program Elective. There are many courses across the University. With Advisor’s approval, students can use these courses to tailor their curriculum.

Elective Courses (7 Credit Hours)

Students should choose elective courses focused on applied science and engineering, allowing them to pursue advanced studies in climate science and tailor the program to their interests. Consult the Academic Advisor or Program Director to confirm if a course qualifies as a Program Elective. With approval, electives from across the University can be integrated into the curriculum.

Refer to the link for a pre-approved list of Program Elective Courses:
MEng Climate Impacts & Solutions Course List

Program Practicum Project

The goal of the program for each student is to have the expertise that will enable you to be the expert at the interface between climate science and practitioners. The program involves a two-semester practicum that consists of a sponsor-defined “hands-on” project. The practicum project focuses on applied research in production and management of climate information; risk analysis; uncertainties assessment; formulation of adaptive climate strategies; and the systems approach to conceiving, designing, managing and operating complex observing and modeling systems. Sample projects include:

  • Using climate change scenario planning to explore management at Isle Royale National Park and the Fort Custer Training Center. (GLISA project)
  • Customizing climate information for a vulnerability assessment for the National Park Service at the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. (GLISA project)
  • Using climate model projections to simulate future Great Lakes water levels and analyze hydrologic biases. (NOAA GLERL project)
  • Sea level rise and storm surge in Charleston, SC. (Jupiter Intel project)
  • Using ESRI story boards for climate education and outreach on invasive species, lake levels, and fisheries. (GLISA project)
  • Update to Aspen Colorado Climate Action Plan. (Aspen Institute)

General Admission Information

The application deadline for the Winter MEng student cohort is October 1 and for the Fall MEng student cohort, March 5. The program code is: 02051. It is recommended that you submit your application early to ensure that it arrives on or before the deadline. If your application will be significantly delayed, please contact CLaSP Student Services to discuss your situation. Information about the cost of attending the University of Michigan is available from The Office of the Registrar.

All MEng students are admitted to the program through the College of Engineering. Climate & Space requires a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.2 on a 4.0 scale. All international students need to provide  TOEFL, MELAB, or IELTS scores. However, if you’ve graduated from an undergraduate program where the language of instruction is exclusively English, then the TOEFL requirement is waived.


Contact the Office of Financial Aid, (734) 763-6600, for more information. Need-based funding may be available, usually in the form of a student loan. There are application materials required to complete this process.

Additional funding opportunities for Master’s students are listed at the College of Engineering Fellowships and Scholarships webpage.