
Sarah A. Spitzer

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Solar and Heliospheric Research Group


Climate & Space Research Building 2455 Hayward Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2143


University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Ph.D. in Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering

M.S. in Space Science & Engineering
Certificate in Plasma Science & Engineering
Certificate in Graduate Teaching

M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering: Robotics

B.S.E. in Computer Engineering
Minor in Multidisciplinary Design in Engineering
Minor in Near Eastern Studies


CLIMATE 405: Space Laboratory (TA)

Research Interests

I work in the Solar and Heliospheric Research Group studying interstellar pickup ions using in situ measurements as well as characterizing and designing new spaceflight hardware.


Co-President of the CLaSP Graduate and Undergraduate Student Organization; Student-Faculty Liaison, Student Engagement Committee Member and Organizer, Diversity Equity & Inclusion Committee Member and Organizer, Outreach involvement

Eta Kappa Nu, IEEE Honor Society; Past Girls’ Chair, Past Chair of volunteering project to help senior citizens with their technology, Past volunteering project with underprivileged elementary students’ engineering club


  • Solar Heliospheric & Interplanetary Environment (SHINE) Conference Outstanding Student Poster Award; 2018
  • Solar Heliospheric & Interplanetary Environment (SHINE) Conference Outstanding Student Talk Award; 2017
  • Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering (MIPSE) Graduate Fellowship; 2016-2017
  • Eta Kappa Nu, Most Outstanding Active and Fantastic Mentor Awards; Fall 2015
  • Eta Kappa Nu, Most Outstanding Electee Award; Winter 2015
  • Dean’s List; University of Michigan College of Engineering; Winter 2010, Spring 2010, Fall 2012, Winter 2013
  • University Honors, University of Michigan; Fall 2012 and Winter 2013
  • University of Michigan Science Learning Center Physics Study Group Leader of the Year; 2011