Climate & Space Research Building 2455 Hayward Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2143
- BSE Michigan State University, Mechanical Engineering
- MSE Michigan State University, Mechanical Engineering
- PhD Purdue University, Marine Science, 1977
Meadows, G.A., L.A. Meadows, L. Weishar and L. Fields, “DARTS (Digital Automated Radar Tracking System) Applications to Tidal Inlet Hydrodynamic Studies,” Proceedings of Hydrodynamics and Sediment Dynamics of Tidal Inlets, Lecture Notes on Coastal and Estuarine Studies, 29, pp. 169-185, 1988.
Schwab, D.J., A.H. Clites, C.R. Murthy, J.E. Sandall, L.A. Meadows and G.A. Meadows, “The Effect of Wind on Transport and Circulation in Lake St. Clair,” Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 94, C4, pp. 4947-4958, 1989.
Meadows, G., R. Moll, T. Johengen, A. Bratkovich, J. Saylor, L. Meadows, and G. Pernie, “Vernal Thermal Fronts in Large Lakes: A Case Study from Lake Michigan,” Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., Vol. 25, pp. 65-68, 1993.
Meadows, L., G. Meadows, A. Troesch, S. Cohen, K.P. Beier, G. Root, O. Griffin, and T. Swean, “Lagrangian Velocity Profiles in the Wake of a High Speed Vessel,” Ocean Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 221-242, 1994.
Josberger, E., R. Shuchman, G. Meadows, S. Savage and J. Payne “Hydrography and Circulation of Ice-Marginal Lakes at Bering Glacier, Alaska,” Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 547-560, 2006.
Josberger, E., R. Shuchman, G. Meadows, L. Liversedge and L. Meadows, “Hydrologic Processes at Bering Glacier, and Vitus Lake, Alaska, “Bering Glacier, Interdisciplinary Studies of Earth’s Largest Temperate Surging Glacier,” The Geological Society of America, Special paper 462, 2010.
Brown, H. C., Meadows, G.A., Jenkins, L. K., Shuchman, R.A., “Meet the New Autonomous Surface Vessel; Bathy Boat” Marine Technology Reporter Magazine, May 2010
O’Shea, J.M. and G. Meadows, “Evidence for Early Hunters Beneath the Great Lakes,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 106, no. 25, pp. 10120 – 10123, June, 2009.
Brown, H. C., Jenkins, L. K., Meadows, G.A., Shuchman, R.A., “BathyBoat: An Autonomous Surface Vessel for Stand Alone Survey and Underwater Vehicle Network Supervision,” Marine Technology Society Journal , Vol 44, No 4, 2010.
Norton, R.K., L.A. Meadows and G.A. Meadows, “Drawing Lines in Law Books and on Sandy Beaches: Marking Ordinary High Water on Michigan’s Great Lakes Shorelines under the Public Trust Doctrine,” Coastal Management, Vol 39, No. 2, p. 133-157, 2010.
Shuchman, R.A., L. Jenkins, C. Hatt, J Payne, S. Guyer, M. Sayers and G. Meadows, “A Combined SAR and Electro-Optical Satellite Based Algorithm to Estimate Water Depth and Volume of North Slope Lakes, Alaska,” Remote Sensing of the Environment, in review, 2013.
Meadows, G.A., “A Review of Low Cost Underwater Acoustic Remote Sensing for Large Freshwater Systems,” Journal of Great Lakes Research, vol 39, pp. 173 – 182, Sept, 2013.
Luther, M.E., G. Meadows, E. Buckley, S.A. Gilbert, H. Purcell and M.N. Tamburri, “Verification of Wave Measurement Systems,” Journal of Marine Technology, 47(5), pp 104-116, 2013.