Joseph Hollowed

Graduate Student



Climate & Space Research Building University of Michigan 2455 Hayward Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2143

Personal Webpage


PhD – University of Michigan (Physics) – Anticipated 2024

Graduate Certificate in Computational Discovery and Engineering – University of Michigan – Anticipated 2023

B.S. – DePaul University (Physics; Minor in Computer Science) – June 2017

Research Interests

My research focuses on the development of idealized physical parameterizations for Earth System Models (ESMs) of the atmosphere and climate. Specifically, we have deployed a method of affordably simulating the climate impacts by volcanic aerosols in the stratosphere in support of climate attribution studies. I am a close collaborator of the Sandia National Laboratories CLDERA Grand Challenge (CLimate attribution: Determining Etiology thRough pAthways), and am generally interested in our ability to extract climate-change impact estimates from ESMs. See my linked Personal Webpage for a sample of my recent work, publications and presentations.