Category: CLASP
Keppel-Aleks receives Harold R. Johnson Diversity Service Award
Associate Professor Gretchen Keppel-Aleks receives the Harold R. Johnson Diversity Service Award.
Leinweber Innovation Lab Celebrates Grand Opening
The $6.1 million Leinweber Innovation Laboratory officially opened to the University of Michigan and the greater science community on September 10.
Congratulations to our new Climate & Space PhD!
After receiving her doctoral degree, Dr. Shannon Hill will continue postdoctoral research at the University of Iowa.
Alumni of the Year Award Presented to Dr. Jhoon Kim
Dr. Jhoon Kim has been selected as the Alumni of the Year at the University of Michigan Department of Climate and Space.
Ruf Named American Meteorological Society Fellow
Professor Chris Ruf, of U-M Climate and Space, has been named a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society.
Congratulations to our new Climate & Space PhD!
After receiving his doctoral degree, Dr. Tristan Rendfrey will continue exploring opportunities in the field of climate sciences.
American Meteorological Society Honors Alumna with Early-Career Achievement Award
Alumna Annareli Morales has earned the AMS Award for Early-Career Professional Achievement.
Congratulations to our new Climate & Space PhD!
After receiving his doctoral degree, Dr. Tim Keebler will continue postdoctoral research in space sciences and engineering.
NASA Selects U-M Team to Develop Technologies to Enhance Artemis Missions
The BLISS team has been selected to develop advanced and innovative design ideas that will help solve Artemis mission challenges for NASA.
New Mission Studies Arctic Heat Emissions As Never Before
Two researchers from U-M Climate and Space are working on the PREFIRE mission, to better understand the heat that radiates from Earth at the polar regions.
Alum Slated to Compete in 2024 Olympics
An alumnus of U-M Climate & Space has qualified to compete in the 2024 Olympics in Paris.
The Corona is Weirdly Hot—Parker Solar Probe Rules Out One Explanation
S-shaped bends in the sun’s magnetic field don’t form at the sun’s surface, like some scientists thought, and can’t directly heat the sun’s corona.
Student Named Computational and Discovery and Engineering Graduate Fellow
Nicholas Forcone has been selected as a Michigan Institute for Computational Discovering and Engineering Graduate Fellow.
Master’s Degree Preparing Students to Work in Climate Solutions Gets a Refresh
As we prepare for updates to the Master’s of Engineering program in the climate sciences, we spoke with Professor Jeremy Bassis about the exciting changes ahead.
The Cooling Power of Sea Ice Is Waning Faster than its Area of Extent
A shift in Antarctica’s melting trends and slushy Arctic ice pushes warming from changing sea ice toward the upper limits of climate model estimates.
AGI Names Dacic a Fisher Congressional Geoscience Fellow
Natasha Dacic has been named a Fisher Congressional Geoscience Fellow, which empowers a geoscientist to work in a congressional capacity in Washington, D.C.