Congratulations to our new Climate & Space PhDs!
Two more Climate & Space students have successfully defended their doctoral dissertations this summer. Congratulations, Doctors!

Dr. Zachary Fair
Defense Date: 5/13/21
Dissertation Title: “Application of lidar altimetry and hyperspectral imaging to ice sheet and snow monitoring”
Faculty Advisor: Prof. Mark Flanner
Dr. Fair is considering two possible postdoctoral positions: either a postdoctoral fellowship at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; or a research scientist position at Michigan Technical Research Institute. His specific work will depend on where he goes, but he hopes to perform data calibration for ICESat-2 over ice and snow.

Dr. Daniel Brandt
Defense Date: 7/13/21
Dissertation Title: “On Thermospheric Density and Wind Modeling Driven by Satellite Observations”
Faculty Advisor: Prof. Aaron Ridley
Dr. Brandt will be staying in Ann Arbor as a research scientist at Michigan Technical Research Institute. He also plans to get more involved with aviation by pursuing extra licenses and ratings beyond his private pilot license, and perhaps join the local Civil Air Patrol.