Graduate and Undergraduate Student Organization (GUStO)

About GUStO

The Graduate and Undergraduate Student Organization (GUStO) is the student organization within CLaSP for both undergraduate and graduate students. GUStO provides opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students in CLaSP to become more actively involved in their academic community while attending the University of Michigan. We work to foster mentoring between graduates and undergraduates, candidates and pre-candidates, and native and foreign students on academic, research, and career opportunities. GUStO works to increase student engagement and strengthen a sense of community through various social, cultural, and professional development events. GUStO also serves as a liaison between the student body and the department, and provides student representation at faculty meetings.

Contact Information

The current GUStO Co-Presidents can be reached at, and officers can be reached at


The GUStO Wiki hosts useful information about current events in GUStO as well as the CLaSP Student Survival Guide, a repository of advice compiled by CLaSP students.


If you would like to help plan and execute GUStO events, contact the current leadership. Please feel free to contact us with suggestions for events. Check out the GUStO Wiki for a list of events we have held in the past.